How to Fix QuickBooks Desktop Company File Issues

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Need help with your QuickBooks Desktop Company File? You’re not alone. Many users face issues with their company files, but fortunately, there are several steps you can take to fix these problems. This guide will walk you through the most common issues and how to solve them in simple, easy-to-understand steps.


QuickBooks is a widely used accounting software that helps businesses manage their finances. However, issues with the company file can hinder your ability to access important data. Let’s tackle these problems together!

Common Issues with QuickBooks Desktop Company Files

Before diving into the solutions, it’s helpful to know what problems you might encounter:

  1. Error messages: For example, 6000 series errors generally indicate issues with accessing the company file.
  2. Unable to open the company file: This could be due to issues with the file path or permissions.
  3. Slow performance: Especially when opening the file or during multi-user mode.
  4. Data discrepancies: For example, incorrect reports or balances do not match.

Step-by-Step Solutions

  1. Verify and Rebuild Data

QuickBooks Desktop has built-in tools called Verify and Rebuild. These can fix minor data issues within your company file.

  • Verify Data: Go to the ‘File’ menu, select ‘Utilities,’ and then ‘Verify Data.’ This tool will check for any issues with your data.
  • Rebuild Data: If Verify finds any problems, you should then run Rebuild. Go back to ‘Utilities’ and select ‘Rebuild Data’. Follow the prompts to back up your data and let QuickBooks fix the issues.
  1. Move Your Company File
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If your company file is located on a network drive or an external hard drive, try moving it to the local drive of the computer where QuickBooks is installed. This can resolve issues related to connection and speed.

  • Moving the File: Copy the file from its current location and paste it into the default location (usually your ‘C:’ drive under the QuickBooks folder).
  • Opening the Moved File: Open QuickBooks, go to ‘File,” then ‘Open or Restore Company,” and navigate to the new location of your company file.
  1. Use QuickBooks File Doctor

QuickBooks File Doctor is a tool designed to fix issues with company files and network issues. Download and run this tool from the QuickBooks Tool Hub.

  • Download Tool Hub: Download and install the QuickBooks Tool Hub from the Intuit website.
  • Run File Doctor: Open the Tool Hub, go to the ‘Company File Issues’ tab, and click on ‘Run QuickBooks File Doctor.” Select your company file and let the tool diagnose and fix the issues.
  1. Check File Permissions

Ensure that the permissions set on your company file allow you to access and modify it.

  • Adjusting Permissions: Right-click on the file, select ‘Properties,” go to the ‘Security’ tab, and ensure that your user account has full control.
  1. Rename the.TLG and . ND Files

The.TLG (transaction log file) and.ND (network data file) are configuration files that help QuickBooks access the company file in a network. Renaming these files can sometimes resolve issues.

  • Renaming Files: Navigate to the folder containing your company file. Find the files with the same name as your company file but with.TLG and . ND extensions. Right-click on each and select ‘Rename.’ Add ‘.OLD’ to the end of each file name.
  1. Update QuickBooks
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Running an outdated version of QuickBooks can lead to issues with company files. Make sure your QuickBooks is up to date.

  • Updating QuickBooks: Go to the ‘Help’ menu and select ‘Update QuickBooks Desktop’. Follow the instructions to install any available updates.


Resolving issues with your QuickBooks Desktop Company File can seem daunting, but by following these steps, you can fix most problems. Regularly backing up your company file is also crucial to prevent data loss. If you continue to experience issues after trying these solutions, consult with a QuickBooks professional.

Read More:

QuickBooks Error h202
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QuickBooks file doctor download

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