How to fix QuickBooks Error 15270 

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QuickBooks is a popular accounting software used by many businesses. It helps manage finances, track expenses, and generate reports. However, sometimes, users face errors. One common issue is QuickBooks Error 15270. This error usually occurs during payroll updates. Let’s dive into what causes this error and how to fix it.

What is QuickBooks Error 15270?

QuickBooks Error 15270 happens when there’s an issue with payroll updates. You might see a message like this:

“Error 15270: The (payroll) update was not completed successfully. The update is missing a file.”

This error can be frustrating. It stops you from updating your payroll, which is crucial for managing employee payments.

Causes of QuickBooks Error 15270

Several factors can cause this error. Here are some common ones:

  1. Incomplete Payroll Update: Sometimes, the payroll update only downloads partially. This can cause the error.
  2. Internet Issues: A weak or unstable internet connection can interrupt the update process.
  3. User Account Control (UAC): UAC settings on your computer can sometimes block the update.
  4. Outdated QuickBooks: Using an older version of QuickBooks can lead to errors during updates.
  5. Firewall and Antivirus Settings: Sometimes, your firewall or antivirus software can block QuickBooks updates.

How to Fix QuickBooks Error 15270

Now that we know the causes let’s look at the solutions. Follow these steps to fix the error.

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Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure your internet connection is stable. A weak connection can interrupt the update process. Try restarting your router or modem. You can also check with your internet service provider if there are any issues.

Update QuickBooks

Make sure you are using the latest version of QuickBooks. Here’s how to update it:

  • Open QuickBooks.
  • Go to the Help menu.
  • Select Update QuickBooks.
  • Click on Update Now.
  • Select Get Updates.

Once the update is complete, restart QuickBooks. Try updating the payroll again.

Run QuickBooks as Administrator

Running QuickBooks as an administrator can sometimes resolve the error. Here’s how:

  • Close QuickBooks.
  • Right-click on the QuickBooks icon on your desktop.
  • Select Run as Administrator.
  • Try updating the payroll again.

Check User Account Control (UAC) Settings

Sometimes, UAC settings can block the update. Here’s how to adjust them:

  • Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog box.
  • Type in “Control Panel” and press Enter.
  • Go to User Accounts.
  • Click on Change User Account Control settings.
  • Move the slider Never to Notify.
  • Click OK.

Try updating the payroll again. Remember to reset UAC to its original setting after the update.

Adjust Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Your firewall or antivirus software might be blocking the update. Here’s how to adjust the settings:

  • Open your antivirus software.
  • Go to the settings menu.
  • Look for an option to allow or allowlist QuickBooks.
  • Add QuickBooks to the allowed list.

For firewall settings:

  • Go to the Control Panel.
  • Select System and Security.
  • Click on Windows Firewall.
  • Select Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall.
  • Find QuickBooks and make sure it’s allowed.

Try updating payroll again after making these changes.

Read also:  How To Fix QuickBooks Error 6190 | Step-by-Step Guide

Download the Update Manually

If the automatic update fails, you can download the update manually. Here’s how:

  • Visit the official QuickBooks website.
  • Go to the Downloads and Updates page.
  • Select your QuickBooks product.
  • Choose the latest payroll update.
  • Download and install the update.

After the installation, restart QuickBooks and check if the error is resolved.

Use the QuickBooks Tool Hub

Intuit offers a Tool Hub to fix common QuickBooks issues. Here’s how to use it:

  • Download the QuickBooks Tool Hub from the official Intuit website.
  • Install and open the Tool Hub.
  • Select Program Problems.
  • Click on QuickBooks Program Diagnostic Tool.
  • Let the tool run and fix issues.

After the tool is complete, restart QuickBooks and try updating payroll again.

Contact QuickBooks Support

If none of the above solutions work, contact QuickBooks support. They have experts who can help resolve the issue. You can reach them through the QuickBooks website or via phone.

Preventing QuickBooks Error 15270

Here are some tips to prevent this error in the future:

  1. Regular Updates: Keep your QuickBooks software updated to the latest version.
  2. Stable Internet: Ensure a stable and reliable Internet connection during updates.
  3. Check Settings: Regularly check your UAC, firewall, and antivirus settings.
  4. Backup Data: Always backup your QuickBooks data before performing updates. This ensures you keep all important information.
  5. Use Trusted Sources: Download updates and tools from the official QuickBooks website.


QuickBooks error code 15270 can be frustrating, but it’s fixable. By understanding the causes and following the steps above, you can resolve the error and keep your payroll updates running smoothly. Remember, keeping your software updated and ensuring a stable internet connection is key to preventing such errors. If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to QuickBooks support for assistance. With these tips, you can manage your QuickBooks software more effectively and keep your business running smoothly.

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